Ensuring Compliance: Avoid Risk, in Time, at Lower Cost

Many businesses struggle with navigating emerging complex and critical legislations. Are you one of them?   

Compliance control tower is a delivery management solution for businesses grappling with compliance. It offers visibility, planning, and control, allowing you to meet complex data requirements and unlock circular growth opportunities—all within one powerful, integrated AI Software platform.

Enables Rapid Implementation of Business-critical Legislations

Continuously Monitoring of Regulatory Data Source

Automated Translation to Technical Requirements

Dynamic Stakeholder Requirement Distribution

Auto-Generated Dependency Roadmaps

Pre-Defined Requirement Work Items

Delivery Organization Mapping

Delivery Control & AI Chat


Reputational Damage 
Regulatory Scrutiny 
Lost Opportunities 
Market Exclusion


Delivery Time 
Operational Cost  
New Recruitment


Value Creation 

Converting your regulations into actionable deliveries

Converting your regulations into actionable deliveries

Examples of Regulations

Sustainability & Environment

Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

Data Protection and Digital

Ai Act

Finance & Corporate Governance

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation

Labor & Human Rights

European Supply Chain Due Diligence Directive

Specific Industries

Ex: Digital Battery passport

CSRD Reporting Challenge.

CSRD: The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive mandates that companies report on environmental and social impacts and ensures the audit of reported data. 


ESRS: The European Sustainability Reporting Standards, currently consisting of 10 ESG chapters, have 12 related standards, divided into 1,234 data points. 

To comply, you must assess the scope, collect and manage high-quality data according to the ESRS standard data points, distributed over your business landscape. The challenge lies in handling this data flood without overwhelming your organization.

How can you maintain control, accuracy, and transparency throughout your reporting cycle?    

CSRD Compliance Solution.

Compliance Control Tower is rule-based automation design tailored for users. This reliable AI-based solution streamlines CSRD compliance by automating and optimizing data collection. 

By translating the CSRD’s intricate regulations into actionable steps, the platform ensures clarity on what tasks need to be completed, who is responsible, and when they should be delivered. You can track your progress and receive notifications if anything is missing or poses a risk.    

Visualizations aid in understanding volume, dependencies, delivery state, and burndown. With this solution, you move away from assumption-based conclusions toward automated control and deep knowledge.   

Set Up and Operations


Requirement Map: Condition for Continuously Updated Requirements

  • AI Extraction of Legation

  • Quality Tests  

  • Requirement data base


Compliance Map: Creating an Automated Dependency Roadmap

  • Regulatory Scope Analysis (DMA for CSRD)

  • Internal Stakeholder Mapping

  • External Stakeholder Mapping


Delivery Map: Matching Capacity to Delivery Volume.

  • Delivery Organizational Mapping

  • Execution Training in. runtime

  • Team Extension or outsourced delivery. 

  • Providing Sub-Licenses to Stakeholders


Operations: Managing Delivery State

  • Pre-defined backlogs

  • Burn Down

  • Warnings

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